Cannot put a new line in the desciprtion.

Penelope Helck

When I try to add a description I can't put anything on a new line. It's all in one line. I would love features that would allow us to customize the description more. Maybe even a way to bold, italic, or underline text, different colors, etc.


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Eugene K

Hi Penelope, well it allows to input new lines but then concatenates then in the grid view indeed :( I will add it and other requested features to the backlog. Thanks a lot for your input and feel free to send me other requests if you have any to he added in the next release.

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Penelope Helck

Thank you so much, this site has helped me plan out my school year fantastically and it looks pretty too.

If you have somewhere I can donate I'll gladly do so, this is the best schedule maker I've seen by far.


Eugene K

You are very welcome Penelope! And glad it was helpful :) No problems, I didn't plan to make it as a money maker tool. It was something we made during covid to easily create schedules with repeatable tasks, print them and put somewhere. Also, I am curious if you are using Print feature? At the start we planned to make it so every schedule small or big should be printable but due to some complex calculations it breaks the grid on the website sometimes.. so I was wondering if Printing is still needed in 2023 :)


Penelope Helck

You are a saint!

I print my schedules, and I shared this website with my mom who also likes to print, so I think it'd be worth making more support for it. The schedules look and fit nicely on paper and hung up somewhere.

I haven't run into any issues so far with the grid though.

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